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BRBL is now available

Today we added the Barracuda Reputation Block List (BRBL – pronounced “bahr-bel”) to our Multi-RBL checking tool. The latter now scans through a total of 52 blacklists.

Introduced in September 2008, this DNSBL quickly gained popularity and currently is one of the most reputable ones, standing side-by-side with the older major players like SpamCop, CBL, Spamhaus, etc.

The BRBL provides a list of IP addresses which are sending spam. The Barracuda Reputation system uses automated collection methods to add and delete IP addresses from the BRBL. The automated spam trap, collection and rating system automatically adds IP addresses to the list when spam is detected. Barracuda Networks does not manually add addresses to this IP list.

“BRBL is a worthwhile addition to a company’s anti-spam arsenal” —

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